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    Very Truly Yours

    Rudin, Jacob Philip | SERMONS, | NY Bloch 1971

    Architects of Conservative Judaism

    Parzen, Herbert | CONSERVATIVE JUDAISM, | NY Jonathan David , 1964


    Idel, Moshe | MYSTICISM, KABBALAH, | Yale, New Haven, 1988 New Perspectives

    Jewish Mystical Tradition, The

    Bokser, Ben Zion | MYSTICISM, | NY The Pilgrim Press, 1981

    Early Kabbalah, The

    Dan, Joseph, ed | MYSTICISM, KABBALAH, | NY, Paulist Press 1986

    Dictionary of Mysticism

    Gaynor, Frank | MYSTICISM, | NY, Philosophical Library, 1953

    History of Jewish Mysticism

    Mueller, Ernst | MYSTICISM, | Oxford, England, East and West Library 1946

    Major Trends In Jewish Mysticism

    Scholem, Gershom G | MYSTICISM, | Jerusalem, Schocken Pub. 1941


    Pick, Bernhard | KABBALAH, MYSTICISM, | Chicago, Il. The Open Court Pub. Co. 1913

    Questions Jews Ask, Reconstructionist Answers

    Kaplan, Mordecai | RECONSTRUCTIONISM - HISTORY AND IDEOLOGY, | NY, Reconstructionist Press 1956