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    Religion of Ethical Nationhood, The

    Kaplan, Mordecai | RECONSTRUCTIONISM - HISTORY AND IDEOLOGY, | NY, The MacMillan Co. 1970

    Acts of Faith

    Ross, Dan | SECTS, JUDAISM, | NY, Schocken Books 1982

    Origin and Meaning of Hasidism, The

    Buber, Martin | HASIDISM, | NY, Horizon Press, 1960


    Finkelstein, Louis | PHARISEES AND SADDUCEES, SECTS, | Philadelphia, Pa. JPS 1962

    New Approach to the Problem of Judaism, A

    Kaplan, Mordecai | RECONSTRUCTIONISM - HISTORY AND IDEOLOGY, | NY, The Society for the Advancement of Judaism 1924

    New Approach to Jewish Life

    Kaplan, Mordecai | RECONSTRUCTIONISM - HISTORY AND IDEOLOGY, | Bridgeport, Co. Hartmore House Inc. 1973

    Stories of Bernard Malamud, The

    Malamud, Bernard | No subjects available. | N.Y. Farrar, Straus, Giroux 1950


    Slonimsky, Henry | PHILOSOPHY, | Cincinnati, Ohio, HUC, 1967

    Battling for Peace

    Peres, Shimon | PERES, SHIMON - BIOG, | NY, Random House, 1995

    Basic Value in Jewish Religion

    Kaplan, Mordecai | RECONSTRUCTIONISM - HISTORY AND IDEOLOGY, RELIGION, | NY, The Reconstructionist PRess 1957